The Danish government hosts international summit on food and gastronomy

The Danish government is hosting the international summit World Food Summit 2017 – Better Food for More People on food and gastronomy at the end of August.

The Danish Minister of Environment and Food is hosting World Food Summit 2017 in Copenhagen on 24-25 August 2017. The summit has a global goal to enhance the quality of the meal and increase the understanding of food and thereby improving health and environment all over the world. It is about sustainable food production, reducing food waste and utilizing our resources in the best possible way.


World-leading chef René Redzepi, founder of the New Nordic Cuisine-movement and the Danish restaurant Noma, will be attending the summit together with Danish and international chefs, bloggers, experts, and leading decision makers from global food producers such as Nestlé, McDonalds, Carlsberg, and Campbell Soup. Government representatives from among others USA, China, Germany, Japan, and South Africa and leading academics from universities such as Yale and MIT will also participate.

– Global food challenges are only solvable if we address and try to deal with them on an international scale. World Food Summit – Better Food for More People will for the 2nd year in a row bring leading food producers, chefs, and government institutions together in order to create an international forum and to come up with qualified solutions, says Danish Minister of Environment and Food Dr. Esben Lunde Larsen.

Gastronomy is the key

Denmark has for many years been known for gastronomic innovation and an innovative and sustainable food industry.

The summit will unleash gastronomy as a tool to find global solutions on the food challenges. In an era of urbanization, gastronomy can be used as a tool to help the industry, the chefs, the politicians, and the public to get better food for more people.

– Denmark has shown that great cuisine and sustainable food production and consumption are not mutually exclusive. In Denmark, experience has shown that increasing knowledge of food ingredients and cooking skills can reduce obesity, food related illnesses, food waste, and the environmental footprint that the food industry has on our globe,” says Danish Minister of Environment and Food Dr. Esben Lunde Larsen.

Four important subjects
At the World Food Summit – Better Food for More People the delegates are invited to share knowledge, discuss challenges and present best cases thereby laying the groundwork for concrete actions for how gastronomy can address global food challenges by increasing culinary diversity, reducing food waste, increasing food safety and providing better  food information.

Press accreditation

To be accredited to World Food Summit 2017, you need to register at here. Please be aware of the limited number of press slots for the different events.

For more information about World Food Summit 2017 – Better Food for More People please go here.

Further information:

Head of Department Marie Louise Flach de Neergaard, Danish Ministry of Environment and Food, +45 6198 8414, e-mail:

Information from the Danish Embassy-Brasilia


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